Kids Dharma Materials
Most of these materials are for children to use, along with an older person. Materials are made to support fresh, open thinking and to cultivate the ability to experience life from a more expansive perspective: outside even ‘outside the box.’
Just Plain Curious
Make this the year you strengthen your commitment to off-the-cushion mindfulness practice. Great for families.
5 Meditations for Kids
This little book is designed for an adult and a child to do one meditation at a time together. Each meditation has a simple instruction and a few pointers for success.
Slow is OK
This little book is designed for an adult and a child to share, while having a conversation about how sometimes rushing is necessary, but also how much of the time we could reduce anxiety and increase presence and joy by slowing down.
Sounds for kids
Sound is an important part of life and important to practice. This little book is meant to be shared by a child and their care-taker as they talk about sounds as something to notice.
Hey Wait a Minute for Kids
There is so much weirdness and mystery in the world. So much silliness and surprise. Share this book in conversation with a child and explore a few examples of enjoying some out-of-the-ordinary pictures and questions.