Wisdom and Compasion Podcast
To access our podcasts, you can subscribe or listen to individual episodes.
Podcasts are made for these categories, in case you are looking for something specific—
Classic Buddhist Teachings
Guided Meditations to Follow Along
Carrying Practice off the Cushion, Into Life
Answers to Students’ Questions
Musings, Poetry and Music
Conundrums, Problems and Puzzles in Practice
Short Clips from Public Teachings
Selections for Beginners
Podcasts are free. You can make a donation if you feel inspired to do so here. The money supports the meditation center that supports me.
If you’d like to collaborate on a podcast, let me know.
You might be familiar with the Shaker philosophy of design: “Don’t make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don’t hesitate to make it beautiful.” I make these booklets to support your dharma practice.