Generosity: Can we Offer Fearlessness to the World?

In Buddhism, one of the greatest generosities is to remove fear and the causes of fear for other beings. How can we practice generosity by offering fearlessness to others? What does fearlessness look like? To alleviate suffering brought about by fear, to promote safety and security, to empower and liberate others—or at least not to oppress them, is a start. Generosity, including the removal of fear, is an expression of compassion and wisdom in Buddhist practice. It requires understanding the causes and conditions of fear and responding with skillful means to address them. Through the practice of generosity—including helping themselves and others cultivate fearlessness—individuals cultivate qualities such as compassion, empathy, and insight, which are essential for spiritual growth and awakening.


Compassion: What are we afraid of?


Speaking of Giraffes and Dharma